Self Reflection

Why I chose my passion to build my career over a hobby

I used to think that passion was a part of a hobby, making me believe I could make some money from it. But as I came to realize, hobbies and careers are quite different. Now, I’m actually glad I didn’t go down the path of turning my hobby into a job.

What is a hobby?

According to, a hobby is an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation. It’s like something you really enjoy and love doing when you have some free time.

Even though it might seem like just a fun thing to do in your spare time, having a hobby is actually really important, more than you might realize.

1. Hobbies are good for our minds

As the definition says, a hobby should make you happy when you’re not busy with work. I think of it as a way to relax after a tough day. It’s like a break from your problems that gives you energy for the next work period.

2. Hobbies can help you make more friends

When you have a hobby, you have something to talk about with others. If you join a group online that talks about your hobby or go to events about it, you can make new friends and find new chances.

3. Hobbies help you get better

When you do something you love as a hobby, you always learn something. When you get good at it or make a positive difference, you feel good about yourself and more sure of your abilities.

So, what about passion?

Passion is a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything. It is something that you can’t live without and you love doing it over and over. You also might want to improve in this certain activity and always have time to do that.

Both having a passion and having a hobby gives similar benefits. Those are:

  • Creating motivation and confidence
  • Bringing positive influence towards others
  • Satisfying
  • Developing creativity

How to differentiate between the two?

According to this Indeed article, I learned that the difference between them is intensity. You feel passion fuels you more than a hobby does.

Let’s think of activities you love and ask yourself:

  • Can you live without them?
  • Can you keep doing the same activities for a long time?
  • Can you spare your precious time to do that?
  • Will you strive to improve in these activities?
  • Is this align with your value?

How to find your passion?

I found that passion is not something you have to find, but rather to be built. Be open and do something new. You might want to go extra like joining courses and decide if you like it or not.

Closing: did I choose to work as a website designer because of a hobby?

My answer: I didn’t.

It’s not like that my hobbies are not answering anybody’s needs. For instance, someone is probably in need of a high-quality coffee brewed properly and the coffee shop business is rising despite COVID-19, which I shouldn’t ignore.


Do I enjoy brewing coffee? Yes.
Do I want to keep brewing for a certain amount of time? No.
Do I want to buy thousands of empty plastic glasses and bottles just to realize they will end up in a trash can? I hate imagining that.

Now, finding your passion isn’t about searching for it like a lost item. It’s more about exploring and trying new things. You might want to take extra steps like taking courses to see what resonates with you.

So, did I choose to work as a website designer because it was my hobby? No, I didn’t. My hobbies weren’t exactly meeting the needs of others, like brewing coffee. Even though I love making great coffee, I didn’t want to do it for a long time or contribute to more waste.

As I ventured into entrepreneurship, I discovered that I love creating things, being productive, and solving problems. This makes me feel like I’m making a meaningful contribution to my clients and connections. Despite not knowing much about website development at first, I’m passionate about being creative and helpful to others.

In a nutshell, hobbies and passions have their own unique places in our lives. Hobbies are great for relaxation and enjoyment, while passion is a powerful driving force that can lead to deep fulfillment and growth.